Eyebrow Lifting


The position of the eyebrow lowers over time as part of the normal aging process. This makes the look sadder and more tired. There are several ways to raise the entire eyebrow or the outer part of it.

The simplest and with very good results is direct eyebrow lift.

This simple surgery is performed with local aesthetics and on an outpatient basis. The surgeon designs the amount of skin to be removed and raises the eyebrow, leaving the scar hidden at the base of the eyebrow hairs.

This way we achieve a long-lasting Foxy Eyes effect.

This technique is often combined with blepharoplasty

More information.

Lifting ceja 1


If you are not sure which treatment you need, request a first appointment with our specialists without obligation and we will find the best solution for you.

Appointments can be requested exclusively online in the calendar on the right, follow these steps:

If once the appointment has been confirmed you need to modify it, cancel it or carry out any other procedure, please contact us to find the best solution.

One Face


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