The application of botulinum toxin (botox) is a non-surgical medical technique that temporarily relaxes the facial muscles, eliminating wrinkles or preventing their appearance.
Elimination / attenuation of facial wrinkles
Eyebrow Lifting
Facial asymmetries
Facial asymmetries
Gummy smile
Botulinum toxin (botox) is a highly purified natural protein that relaxes the facial muscles,
eliminating or reducing wrinkles and leaving the skin relaxed, toned and smooth,
returning all its luminosity to the face.
We only use botulinum toxin type A, approved by the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for medical-aesthetic use.

Botulinum toxin type A is applied in each specific area through
microinjections. The application is very precise in terms of location and quantity,
being a highly safe and effective technique.
The application takes 30 minutes and does not require an allergy test.
Application of botulinum toxin in the areas prescribed by the doctor.
The effect begins to be noticed within 72 hours after application.
Review of the treatment applied 15 days after the 1st session.
The maximum effect is achieved in approximately 7-15 days.
To maintain the results, it will be scheduled at 4-6 months depending on the patient.
The effect lasts for 4-6 months depending on each patient.
In the 6-8 hours following treatment, it is necessary to:
- Do not massage, touch or press the treated area.
- Do not use motorcycle or other helmets.
- Avoid physical exercise and sweating.
- Do not wear makeup.
- Do not sleep for 6 hours.
During the days following treatment, the following may occur: headache, eye congestion, edema, inflammation or tearing of the eyes. These symptoms are rare, transient, reversible and disappear spontaneously.
- Infectious processes in the application area.
- Severe neuromuscular pathology.
- Allergy to egg protein.
- Pregnancy and lactation.
If you are not sure which treatment you need, request a first appointment with our specialists without obligation and we will find the best solution for you.
Appointments can be requested exclusively online in the calendar on the right, follow these steps:
- Click BOOK APPOINTMENT and a link will open in DOCTORALIA
- Select the date and time you want.
- Enter your details into the system.
- You will receive an SMS confirming the date of your visit.
If once the appointment has been confirmed you need to modify it, cancel it or carry out any other procedure, please contact us to find the best solution.
- Introduce los datos solicitados durante la compra
- Paga el tratamiento en un solo pago o en cómodos plazos
- Recibirás un email confirmando la compra

Una vez realizada la compra nos pondremos en contacto contigo para fijar fecha y hora para el tratamiento.