As we age, the bones of the skull become smaller, the skin loses elasticity, the fatty compartments atrophy and give way to the effect of gravity, so that the skin sags, which tends to accumulate in the lower part of the face and the
A facelift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to re-adapt excess skin to the underlying structures.
A facelift is one of the best aesthetic procedures to eliminate wrinkles and restore smoothness to the face. Some areas of the face require additional interventions apart from the facelift, such as blepharoplasty or liplift
Thus, the objective of the facelift is:
- Eliminate the deepest wrinkles on the entire face and neck.
- Eliminate the furrows and folds of the lips, chin, forehead and neck.
- Improve the aesthetics of the jaw area.
In most cases, it is an outpatient surgery that does not require hospitalization. After the intervention, the patient can go home. If hospitalization is required, it would only be one day at most.
The incisions made for the lifting are practically imperceptible, since they are made in places hidden from view.
There are many types of lifting depending on what your needs are.
Corrects the position of the eyebrows, wrinkles between the eyebrows and crow’s feet.
To lift the look and eyebrows, eliminating wrinkles. Sometimes a direct pexia can be used for the same purpose.
Corrects the central area of the face: cheekbones and jaw.
Corrects sagging muscles and stretches the neck.

Through a small incision in the sideburn area, the surgeon accesses the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) and tightens it with a suture, providing smoothness to the middle third of the face. This type of lifting is suitable for incipient to moderate sagging without much excess skin. It is important that the sagging does not affect the lower third of the face, since this small approach cannot traction this area. The surgery is performed with local anesthesia and in some cases sedation, and recovery is very fast (3 or 4 days). The result is subtle and natural.
The Macs lift (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension lift) is a minimally invasive facelift with a short recovery time. The incision is made in the area of the sideburns and the anterior line of the ear, leaving it very hidden. Through this approach we reach the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) and reposition it following the vectors of the face, suturing it in the new position. The excess skin is then removed. This surgery improves the middle and lower thirds of the face, and is indicated for medium to moderate sagging, for which the mini lift is not sufficient. The face is stylized and its smoothness is regained. It is performed on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia and sometimes sedation, and recovery is relatively quick: 1 or 2 weeks.
If you are not sure which treatment you need, request a first appointment with our specialists without obligation and we will find the best solution for you.
Appointments can be requested exclusively online in the calendar on the right, follow these steps:
- Click BOOK APPOINTMENT and a link will open in DOCTORALIA
- Select the date and time you want.
- Enter your details into the system.
- You will receive an SMS confirming the date of your visit.
If once the appointment has been confirmed you need to modify it, cancel it or carry out any other procedure, please contact us to find the best solution.
- Introduce los datos solicitados durante la compra
- Paga el tratamiento en un solo pago o en cómodos plazos
- Recibirás un email confirmando la compra

Una vez realizada la compra nos pondremos en contacto contigo para fijar fecha y hora para el tratamiento.